



Calculate the activity of a molecule against a target molecule.



A property predictor that uses the ASKCOs API to calculate the synthesizability of a molecule.



Calculate Bertz index of a molecule.


Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.



A property predictor that computes the docking score against a user-defined target.



A property predictor that computes the docking score against a target provided via the TDC package (see:



Estimate the water solubility of a molecule.


Whether a molecule is identical to its Murcko Scaffold.


Calculate whether a molecule adheres to the Lipinski-rule-of-5.


Calculates the partition coefficient of a molecule.



Calculate molecular weight of a molecule.


A property predictor that uses the MoleculeOne API to calculate the synthesizability of a molecule.



Class for all Molformer classification algorithms.



Class for all Molformer multitask classification algorithms.




Class for all Molformer regression algorithms.



Calculate number of aromatic rings of a molecule.


Calculate number of atoms of a molecule.


Calculate number of H acceptors of a molecule.


Calculate number of H donors of a molecule.


The amount of heterocycles of a molecule.


Calculate the amount of large rings (> 6 atoms) of a molecule.


Calculate number of rings of a molecule.


Calculate number of rotatable bonds of a molecule.


The amount of stereo centers of a molecule.


Model to predict toxicity for different organs.



Calculate the penalized logP of a molecule.


Calculate the quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QED) of a molecule.



Calculate the synthetic accessibility score (SAS) for a molecule.


Calculate the synthetic complexity score (SCScore) of a molecule.





Calculate the similarity of a molecule to a seed molecule.



Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.



Calculate the total polar surface area of a molecule.


class ScscoreConfiguration(**data)[source]

Bases: PropertyPredictorParameters

score_scale: int
fp_len: int
fp_rad: int
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'fp_len': <class 'int'>, 'fp_rad': <class 'int'>, 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'score_scale': <class 'int'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'ScscoreConfiguration'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'fp_len': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 1024, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'fp_rad': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 2, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'score_scale': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 5, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ScscoreConfiguration', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'fp_len': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=1024), 'fp_rad': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=2), 'score_scale': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a5cd60,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "score_scale": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1b70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "fp_rad": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500110,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "fp_len": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1a30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc264d810,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 3,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ScscoreConfiguration",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ScscoreConfiguration", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "score_scale",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "score_scale",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc0108870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "score_scale",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc0108830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1b70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "fp_len",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "fp_len",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc01087f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "fp_len",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc01087b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1a30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc264d810,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "fp_rad",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "fp_rad",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc01088b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "fp_rad",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc01088f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500110,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ScscoreConfiguration",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a5cd60,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "ScscoreConfiguration",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, score_scale: int = 5, fp_len: int = 1024, fp_rad: int = 2) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class SimilaritySeedParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: PropertyPredictorParameters

smiles: str
fp_key: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'fp_key': <class 'str'>, 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'smiles': <class 'str'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'SimilaritySeedParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'fp_key': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'ECFP4', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'smiles': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'examples': ['c1ccccc1']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'SimilaritySeedParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'fp_key': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='ECFP4'), 'smiles': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, examples=['c1ccccc1'])}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a76840,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "smiles": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99887970,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "fp_key": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1930,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc6722df0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 2,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "SimilaritySeedParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="SimilaritySeedParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "smiles",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "smiles",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc0109c70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "smiles",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc0109c30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99887970,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "fp_key",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "fp_key",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc0109bf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "fp_key",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc0109b70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e1930,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc6722df0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "SimilaritySeedParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a76840,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "SimilaritySeedParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, smiles: str, fp_key: str = 'ECFP4') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class ActivityAgainstTargetParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: PropertyPredictorParameters

target: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'target': <class 'str'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'ActivityAgainstTargetParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'target': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'name of the target.', 'examples': ['drd2']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ActivityAgainstTargetParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'target': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='name of the target.', examples=['drd2'])}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79c14d0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "target": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d59b370,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 1,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ActivityAgainstTargetParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ActivityAgainstTargetParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "target",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "target",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc010a770,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "target",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc010a7b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d59b370,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ActivityAgainstTargetParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79c14d0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "ActivityAgainstTargetParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, target: str) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class AskcosParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: IpAdressParameters

class Output(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

plausability: str = 'plausibility'
num_step: str = 'num_step'
synthesizability: str = 'synthesizability'
price: str = 'price'
_generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_value: the last value assigned or None

__module__ = ''
__annotations__ = {'num_step': <class 'str'>, 'plausability': <class 'str'>, 'price': <class 'str'>, 'synthesizability': <class 'str'>}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'_generate_next_value_': <function Enum._generate_next_value_>, '__module__': '', '__annotations__': {'plausability': <class 'str'>, 'num_step': <class 'str'>, 'synthesizability': <class 'str'>, 'price': <class 'str'>}, '__doc__': 'An enumeration.', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Output' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Output' objects>, '_member_names_': ['plausability', 'num_step', 'synthesizability', 'price'], '_member_map_': {'plausability': <Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, 'num_step': <Output.num_step: 'num_step'>, 'synthesizability': <Output.synthesizability: 'synthesizability'>, 'price': <Output.price: 'price'>}, '_member_type_': <class 'str'>, '_value2member_map_': {'plausibility': <Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, 'num_step': <Output.num_step: 'num_step'>, 'synthesizability': <Output.synthesizability: 'synthesizability'>, 'price': <Output.price: 'price'>}, 'plausability': <Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, 'num_step': <Output.num_step: 'num_step'>, 'synthesizability': <Output.synthesizability: 'synthesizability'>, 'price': <Output.price: 'price'>, '__repr__': <function Enum.__repr__>, '__str__': <function Enum.__str__>, '__format__': <function Enum.__format__>, '__new__': <function Enum.__new__>})

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_member_names_ = ['plausability', 'num_step', 'synthesizability', 'price']
_member_map_ = {'num_step': Output.num_step, 'plausability': Output.plausability, 'price': Output.price, 'synthesizability': Output.synthesizability}

alias of str

_value2member_map_ = {'num_step': Output.num_step, 'plausibility': Output.plausability, 'price': Output.price, 'synthesizability': Output.synthesizability}
__doc__ = 'An enumeration.'
output: Output
save_json: bool
file_name: str
num_trials: int
max_depth: int
max_branching: int
expansion_time: int
max_ppg: int
template_count: int
max_cum_prob: float
chemical_property_logic: str
max_chemprop_c: int
max_chemprop_n: int
max_chemprop_o: int
max_chemprop_h: int
chemical_popularity_logic: str
min_chempop_reactants: int
min_chempop_products: int
filter_threshold: float
return_first: str
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {'use_enum_values': True}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'chemical_popularity_logic': <class 'str'>, 'chemical_property_logic': <class 'str'>, 'expansion_time': <class 'int'>, 'file_name': <class 'str'>, 'filter_threshold': <class 'float'>, 'host_ip': 'str', 'max_branching': <class 'int'>, 'max_chemprop_c': <class 'int'>, 'max_chemprop_h': <class 'int'>, 'max_chemprop_n': <class 'int'>, 'max_chemprop_o': <class 'int'>, 'max_cum_prob': <class 'float'>, 'max_depth': <class 'int'>, 'max_ppg': <class 'int'>, 'min_chempop_products': <class 'int'>, 'min_chempop_reactants': <class 'int'>, 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'num_trials': <class 'int'>, 'output': <enum 'Output'>, 'return_first': <class 'str'>, 'save_json': <class 'bool'>, 'template_count': <class 'int'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'AskcosParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'chemical_popularity_logic': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'none', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'chemical_property_logic': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'none', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'expansion_time': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 60, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'file_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'tree_builder_result.json', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'filter_threshold': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0.1, 'schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'host_ip': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'The host IP address to access the service', 'examples': ['']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_branching': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 25, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_chemprop_c': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_chemprop_h': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_chemprop_n': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_chemprop_o': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_cum_prob': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 0.999, 'schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_depth': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 9, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'max_ppg': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 100, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'min_chempop_products': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 5, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'min_chempop_reactants': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 5, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'num_trials': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 5, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'output': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Main output return type from ASKCOS', 'examples': ['synthesizability']}}, 'schema': {'default': Output.plausability, 'schema': {'function': {'function': operator.attrgetter('value'), 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'Output'>, 'members': [<Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, <Output.num_step: 'num_step'>, <Output.synthesizability: 'synthesizability'>, <Output.price: 'price'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'serialization': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'return_first': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'true', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'save_json': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': False, 'schema': {'type': 'bool'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'template_count': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 1000, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'AskcosParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'chemical_popularity_logic': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='none'), 'chemical_property_logic': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='none'), 'expansion_time': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=60), 'file_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='tree_builder_result.json'), 'filter_threshold': FieldInfo(annotation=float, required=False, default=0.1), 'host_ip': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='The host IP address to access the service', examples=['']), 'max_branching': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=25), 'max_chemprop_c': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=0), 'max_chemprop_h': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=0), 'max_chemprop_n': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=0), 'max_chemprop_o': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=0), 'max_cum_prob': FieldInfo(annotation=float, required=False, default=0.999), 'max_depth': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=9), 'max_ppg': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=100), 'min_chempop_products': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5), 'min_chempop_reactants': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5), 'num_trials': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=5), 'output': FieldInfo(annotation=AskcosParameters.Output, required=False, default=<Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, description='Main output return type from ASKCOS', examples=[<Output.synthesizability: 'synthesizability'>]), 'return_first': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='true'), 'save_json': FieldInfo(annotation=bool, required=False, default=False), 'template_count': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=1000)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a7a0c0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "file_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d5e0170,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc26b7d20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "min_chempop_reactants": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7e10,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "save_json": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e00b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x000055e1a1fe1580,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Bool(                                         BoolSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_chemprop_n": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b94f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "min_chempop_products": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7e60,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_chemprop_o": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26bab30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "output": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d124eb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc1887760,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "chemical_popularity_logic": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7dc0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9cc25d30,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "num_trials": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e01b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500170,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "return_first": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b9a30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d1482b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "expansion_time": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e00f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500850,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "chemical_property_logic": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7d70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9cc25d30,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_cum_prob": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0070,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc264d0d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Float(                                         FloatSerializer {                                             inf_nan_mode: Null,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_ppg": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0170,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d500d50,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "host_ip": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b84f0f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_chemprop_h": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26bbab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_chemprop_c": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0030,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "filter_threshold": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7eb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc264d3b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Float(                                         FloatSerializer {                                             inf_nan_mode: Null,                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_depth": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e98f2adf0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5001f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "template_count": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc6611d70,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc264d5f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "max_branching": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0230,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5003f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 21,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "AskcosParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="AskcosParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "host_ip",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "host_ip",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f02f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "host_ip",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f1470,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b84f0f0,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "output",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "output",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f06f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "output",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0bb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d124eb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc1887760,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: StrEnum(                                             EnumValidator {                                                 phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                                 class: Py(                                                     0x000055e1b79ad050,                                                 ),                                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                                     expected_bool: None,                                                     expected_int: None,                                                     expected_str: Some(                                                         {                                                             "plausibility": 0,                                                             "synthesizability": 2,                                                             "price": 3,                                                             "num_step": 1,                                                         },                                                     ),                                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                                     expected_py_values: None,                                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                         Py(                                                             0x00007f9dc16f01c0,                                                         ),                                                     ),                                                     values: [                                                         Py(                                                             0x00007f9dc1887760,                                                         ),                                                         Py(                                                             0x00007f9dc18877d0,                                                         ),                                                         Py(                                                             0x00007f9dc1887840,                                                         ),                                                         Py(                                                             0x00007f9dc18878b0,                                                         ),                                                     ],                                                 },                                                 missing: None,                                                 expected_repr: "'plausibility', 'num_step', 'synthesizability' or 'price'",                                                 strict: false,                                                 class_repr: "AskcosParameters.Output",                                                 name: "str-enum[AskcosParameters.Output]",                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007f9dc18af6a0,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f2000,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), str-enum[AskcosParameters.Output]]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[operator.attrgetter('value')(), str-enum[AskcosParameters.Output]]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "save_json",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "save_json",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f01f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "save_json",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f08b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e00b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x000055e1a1fe1580,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Bool(                                     BoolValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[bool]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "file_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "file_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f02b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "file_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0430,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d5e0170,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc26b7d20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "num_trials",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "num_trials",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f04b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "num_trials",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f05b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e01b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_depth",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_depth",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f05f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_depth",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f06b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e98f2adf0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5001f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_branching",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_branching",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0670,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_branching",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0230,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5003f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "expansion_time",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "expansion_time",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0d70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "expansion_time",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f09b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e00f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500850,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_ppg",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_ppg",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0330,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_ppg",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0630,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0170,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500d50,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "template_count",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "template_count",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0e30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "template_count",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0e70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc6611d70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc264d5f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_cum_prob",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_cum_prob",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0eb0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_cum_prob",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0ef0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0070,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc264d0d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Float(                                     FloatValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         allow_inf_nan: true,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[float]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "chemical_property_logic",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "chemical_property_logic",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec36f60,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "chemical_property_logic",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec36fb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7d70,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9cc25d30,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_chemprop_c",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_chemprop_c",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0df0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_chemprop_c",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0f70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24e0030,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_chemprop_n",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_chemprop_n",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f00f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_chemprop_n",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0ab0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b94f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_chemprop_o",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_chemprop_o",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0c70,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_chemprop_o",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0d30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26bab30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "max_chemprop_h",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "max_chemprop_h",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f0070,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "max_chemprop_h",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f0af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26bbab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5000d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "chemical_popularity_logic",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "chemical_popularity_logic",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec36f10,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "chemical_popularity_logic",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec37000,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7dc0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9cc25d30,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "min_chempop_reactants",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "min_chempop_reactants",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec37050,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "min_chempop_reactants",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec370a0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7e10,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "min_chempop_products",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "min_chempop_products",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec370f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "min_chempop_products",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec37140,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7e60,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d500170,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "filter_threshold",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "filter_threshold",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec37190,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "filter_threshold",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec371e0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b7eb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc264d3b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Float(                                     FloatValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         allow_inf_nan: true,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[float]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "return_first",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "return_first",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f03b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "return_first",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f1070,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b9a30,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d1482b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "AskcosParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a7a0c0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "AskcosParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, host_ip: str, output: = <Output.plausability: 'plausibility'>, save_json: bool = False, file_name: str = 'tree_builder_result.json', num_trials: int = 5, max_depth: int = 9, max_branching: int = 25, expansion_time: int = 60, max_ppg: int = 100, template_count: int = 1000, max_cum_prob: float = 0.999, chemical_property_logic: str = 'none', max_chemprop_c: int = 0, max_chemprop_n: int = 0, max_chemprop_o: int = 0, max_chemprop_h: int = 0, chemical_popularity_logic: str = 'none', min_chempop_reactants: int = 5, min_chempop_products: int = 5, filter_threshold: float = 0.1, return_first: str = 'true') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class MoleculeOneParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: ApiTokenParameters

oracle_name: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'api_token': 'str', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'oracle_name': <class 'str'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MoleculeOneParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'api_token': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'The API token/key to access the service', 'examples': ['apk-c9db......']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'oracle_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'Molecule One Synthesis', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MoleculeOneParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'api_token': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='The API token/key to access the service', examples=['apk-c9db......']), 'oracle_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='Molecule One Synthesis')}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a71a10,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "api_token": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dd81427f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "oracle_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b9670,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc26b7f00,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 2,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MoleculeOneParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MoleculeOneParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "api_token",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "api_token",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f1970,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "api_token",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f13b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dd81427f0,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "oracle_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "oracle_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f1370,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "oracle_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f1a70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26b9670,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc26b7f00,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MoleculeOneParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a71a10,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MoleculeOneParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, api_token: str, oracle_name: str = 'Molecule One Synthesis') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class DockingTdcParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: PropertyPredictorParameters

target: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'target': <class 'str'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'DockingTdcParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'target': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Target for docking, provided via TDC', 'examples': ['1iep_docking', '2rgp_docking', '3eml_docking', '3ny8_docking', '4rlu_docking', '4unn_docking', '5mo4_docking', '7l11_docking', 'drd3_docking', '3pbl_docking', '1iep_docking_normalize', '2rgp_docking_normalize', '3eml_docking_normalize', '3ny8_docking_normalize', '4rlu_docking_normalize', '4unn_docking_normalize', '5mo4_docking_normalize', '7l11_docking_normalize', 'drd3_docking_normalize', '3pbl_docking_normalize', '1iep_docking_vina', '2rgp_docking_vina', '3eml_docking_vina', '3ny8_docking_vina', '4rlu_docking_vina', '4unn_docking_vina', '5mo4_docking_vina', '7l11_docking_vina', 'drd3_docking_vina', '3pbl_docking_vina']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'DockingTdcParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'target': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Target for docking, provided via TDC', examples=['1iep_docking', '2rgp_docking', '3eml_docking', '3ny8_docking', '4rlu_docking', '4unn_docking', '5mo4_docking', '7l11_docking', 'drd3_docking', '3pbl_docking', '1iep_docking_normalize', '2rgp_docking_normalize', '3eml_docking_normalize', '3ny8_docking_normalize', '4rlu_docking_normalize', '4unn_docking_normalize', '5mo4_docking_normalize', '7l11_docking_normalize', 'drd3_docking_normalize', '3pbl_docking_normalize', '1iep_docking_vina', '2rgp_docking_vina', '3eml_docking_vina', '3ny8_docking_vina', '4rlu_docking_vina', '4unn_docking_vina', '5mo4_docking_vina', '7l11_docking_vina', 'drd3_docking_vina', '3pbl_docking_vina'])}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78f46e0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "target": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d59b370,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 1,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "DockingTdcParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="DockingTdcParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "target",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "target",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f28b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "target",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f27b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d59b370,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "DockingTdcParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78f46e0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "DockingTdcParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, target: str) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class DockingParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: PropertyPredictorParameters

name: str
receptor_pdb_file: str
box_center: List[int]
box_size: List[float]
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'box_center': typing.List[int], 'box_size': typing.List[float], 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'name': <class 'str'>, 'receptor_pdb_file': <class 'str'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'DockingParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'box_center': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Docking box center', 'examples': [[15.19, 53.903, 16.917]]}}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'box_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Docking box size', 'examples': [[20, 20, 20]]}}, 'schema': {'items_schema': {'type': 'float'}, 'type': 'list'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'pyscreener', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'receptor_pdb_file': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Path to receptor PDB file', 'examples': ['/tmp/2hbs.pdb']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'DockingParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'box_center': FieldInfo(annotation=List[int], required=True, description='Docking box center', examples=[[15.19, 53.903, 16.917]]), 'box_size': FieldInfo(annotation=List[float], required=True, description='Docking box size', examples=[[20, 20, 20]]), 'name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='pyscreener'), 'receptor_pdb_file': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Path to receptor PDB file', examples=['/tmp/2hbs.pdb'])}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78db030,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "receptor_pdb_file": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24f4030,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "box_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26a76f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             List(                                 ListSerializer {                                     item_serializer: Float(                                         FloatSerializer {                                             inf_nan_mode: Null,                                         },                                     ),                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                         include: None,                                         exclude: None,                                     },                                     name: "list[float]",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d554af0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc26a75f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "box_center": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dd35906b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             List(                                 ListSerializer {                                     item_serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                     filter: SchemaFilter {                                         include: None,                                         exclude: None,                                     },                                     name: "list[int]",                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 4,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "DockingParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="DockingParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f38f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f38b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d554af0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc26a75f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "receptor_pdb_file",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "receptor_pdb_file",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec378c0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "receptor_pdb_file",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec37910,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24f4030,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "box_center",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "box_center",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f3870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "box_center",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f3830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dd35906b0,                         ),                         validator: List(                             ListValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 item_validator: Some(                                     Int(                                         IntValidator {                                             strict: false,                                         },                                     ),                                 ),                                 min_length: None,                                 max_length: None,                                 name: OnceLock(                                     <uninit>,                                 ),                                 fail_fast: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "box_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "box_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f3970,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "box_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f3930,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc26a76f0,                         ),                         validator: List(                             ListValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 item_validator: Some(                                     Float(                                         FloatValidator {                                             strict: false,                                             allow_inf_nan: true,                                         },                                     ),                                 ),                                 min_length: None,                                 max_length: None,                                 name: OnceLock(                                     <uninit>,                                 ),                                 fail_fast: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "DockingParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78db030,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "DockingParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, name: str = 'pyscreener', receptor_pdb_file: str, box_center: List[int], box_size: List[float]) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class S3ParametersMolecules(**data)[source]

Bases: S3Parameters

domain: DomainSubmodule
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': 'str', 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'S3ParametersMolecules'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'examples': ['Tox21']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Name of the algorithm', 'examples': ['MCA']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'S3ParametersMolecules', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, examples=['Tox21']), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Name of the algorithm', examples=['MCA']), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78db650,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 5,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "S3ParametersMolecules",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="S3ParametersMolecules", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecc9ff0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecc9fb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecca030,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecca070,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecc9f40,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecca0b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecca0f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec68f30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec68f80,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec68e90,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec68fd0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "S3ParametersMolecules",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b78db650,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "S3ParametersMolecules",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str, algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MolformerParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: S3ParametersMolecules

algorithm_name: str
batch_size: int
workers: int
device: Optional[str]
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': 'str', 'algorithm_name': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'batch_size': <class 'int'>, 'device': typing.Optional[str], 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'workers': <class 'int'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MolformerParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'examples': ['Tox21']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'molformer', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Prediction batch size'}}, 'schema': {'default': 128, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'device': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Device to be used for inference'}}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Number of data loading workers'}}, 'schema': {'default': 8, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MolformerParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, examples=['Tox21']), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='molformer'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=128, description='Prediction batch size'), 'device': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Device to be used for inference'), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>), 'workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=8, description='Number of data loading workers')}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79bd7b0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "device": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 8,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MolformerParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MolformerParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbc2f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbc6f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbd470,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbd570,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecbcc40,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbd670,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbd530,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec37370,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec36ec0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec373c0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec68ee0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbd430,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbd630,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbd9f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbe670,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "device",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "device",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbd6f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "device",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbe7b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MolformerParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79bd7b0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MolformerParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'molformer', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str, batch_size: int = 128, workers: int = 8, device: Optional[str] = None) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MolformerClassificationParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MolformerParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'batch_size': 'int', 'device': 'Optional[str]', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'workers': 'int'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MolformerClassificationParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'classification', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'molformer', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Prediction batch size'}}, 'schema': {'default': 128, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'device': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Device to be used for inference'}}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Number of data loading workers'}}, 'schema': {'default': 8, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MolformerClassificationParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='classification'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='molformer'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=128, description='Prediction batch size'), 'device': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Device to be used for inference'), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>), 'workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=8, description='Number of data loading workers')}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a22e50,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e74578270,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "device": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 8,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MolformerClassificationParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MolformerClassificationParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb7b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccb770,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb7f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccb830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbeccb700,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccb8b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69200,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec692f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69250,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69340,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e74578270,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb8f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccb930,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb970,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccb9b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "device",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "device",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbeccb9f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "device",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbeccba30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MolformerClassificationParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a22e50,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MolformerClassificationParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'molformer', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'classification', batch_size: int = 128, workers: int = 8, device: Optional[str] = None) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MolformerParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'batch_size': 'int', 'device': 'Optional[str]', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'workers': 'int'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'multitask_classification', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'molformer', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Prediction batch size'}}, 'schema': {'default': 128, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'device': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Device to be used for inference'}}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Number of data loading workers'}}, 'schema': {'default': 8, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='multitask_classification'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='molformer'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=128, description='Prediction batch size'), 'device': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Device to be used for inference'), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>), 'workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=8, description='Number of data loading workers')}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a54fd0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "device": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dcc53c7b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 8,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec816f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec816b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec81730,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec81770,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbec81640,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec817b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec817f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69520,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69610,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69570,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69660,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dcc53c7b0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec81830,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec81870,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec818b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec818f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "device",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "device",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec81930,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "device",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec81970,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a54fd0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MolformerMultitaskClassificationParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'molformer', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'multitask_classification', batch_size: int = 128, workers: int = 8, device: Optional[str] = None) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MolformerRegressionParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MolformerParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'batch_size': 'int', 'device': 'Optional[str]', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'workers': 'int'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MolformerRegressionParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'regression', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'molformer', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'batch_size': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Prediction batch size'}}, 'schema': {'default': 128, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'device': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Device to be used for inference'}}, 'schema': {'default': None, 'schema': {'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'nullable'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'workers': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Number of data loading workers'}}, 'schema': {'default': 8, 'schema': {'type': 'int'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MolformerRegressionParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='regression'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='molformer'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'batch_size': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=128, description='Prediction batch size'), 'device': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[str, NoneType], required=False, default=None, description='Device to be used for inference'), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>), 'workers': FieldInfo(annotation=int, required=False, default=8, description='Number of data loading workers')}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79edba0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9ddae637f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "batch_size": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "workers": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Int(                                         IntSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "device": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Nullable(                                         NullableSerializer {                                             serializer: Str(                                                 StrSerializer,                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 8,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MolformerRegressionParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MolformerRegressionParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc16f00b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec83630,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec83670,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec836b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbec835c0,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec836f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec83730,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e7a8e8af0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69840,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69930,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69890,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69980,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9ddae637f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "batch_size",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "batch_size",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec83770,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "batch_size",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec837b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e996500b0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5010d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "workers",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "workers",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec837f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "workers",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec83830,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9adb0230,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9e9d5001d0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Int(                                     IntValidator {                                         strict: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[int]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "device",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "device",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec83870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "device",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec838b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b375330,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x000055e1a1fd5740,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Nullable(                                     NullableValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         name: "nullable[str]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[nullable[str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MolformerRegressionParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79edba0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MolformerRegressionParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'molformer', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'regression', batch_size: int = 128, workers: int = 8, device: Optional[str] = None) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MCAParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: S3ParametersMolecules

algorithm_name: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': 'str', 'algorithm_name': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'MCAParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'examples': ['Tox21']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'MCA', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'MCAParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, examples=['Tox21']), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='MCA'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79d10a0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 5,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "MCAParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="MCAParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc01093f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc010b9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dc010b8f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f30b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecb43c0,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecbdaf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecbe530,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec340d0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec375a0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69b10,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69b60,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "MCAParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79d10a0,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "MCAParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'MCA', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class Tox21Parameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MCAParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'Tox21Parameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'Tox21', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'MCA', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'Tox21Parameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='Tox21'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='MCA'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a23990,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc7f283f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 5,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "Tox21Parameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="Tox21Parameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec83cb0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec822f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec82370,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec83f70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbec82340,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec82530,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec83ef0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69c00,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69bb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69c50,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69ca0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc7f283f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "Tox21Parameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a23990,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "Tox21Parameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'MCA', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'Tox21') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class ClinToxParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MCAParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'ClinToxParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'ClinTox', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'MCA', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'ClinToxParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='ClinTox'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='MCA'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a21840,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc7f28270,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 5,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "ClinToxParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="ClinToxParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecca870,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecca7f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb4470,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb40f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecb40c0,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb41f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb4730,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69f20,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69f70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69ed0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69fc0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc7f28270,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "ClinToxParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a21840,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "ClinToxParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'MCA', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'ClinTox') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class SiderParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MCAParameters

algorithm_application: str
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'SiderParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'SIDER', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'MCA', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'SiderParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='SIDER'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='MCA'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>)}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a5f050,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc7f281f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 5,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "SiderParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="SiderParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb5bf0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb5bb0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb5c30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb5c70,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecb5b40,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb5cb0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb5cf0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec6a240,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec6a290,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec6a1f0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec6a2e0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc7f281f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "SiderParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b7a5f050,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "SiderParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'MCA', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'SIDER') -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class OrganToxParameters(**data)[source]

Bases: MCAParameters

class Organs(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

adrenal_gland: str = 'Adrenal Gland'
bone_marrow: str = 'Bone Marrow'
brain: str = 'Brain'
eye: str = 'Eye'
heart: str = 'Heart'
kidney: str = 'Kidney'
liver: str = 'Liver'
lung: str = 'Lung'
lymph_node: str = 'Lymph Node'
mammary_gland: str = 'Mammary Gland'
ovary: str = 'Ovary'
pancreas: str = 'Pancreas'
pituitary_gland: str = 'Pituitary Gland'
spleen: str = 'Spleen'
stomach: str = 'Stomach'
testes: str = 'Testes'
thymus: str = 'Thymus'
thyroid_gland: str = 'Thyroid Gland'
urinary_bladder: str = 'Urinary Bladder'
uterus: str = 'Uterus'
_generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_value: the last value assigned or None

__module__ = ''
__annotations__ = {'adrenal_gland': <class 'str'>, 'bone_marrow': <class 'str'>, 'brain': <class 'str'>, 'eye': <class 'str'>, 'heart': <class 'str'>, 'kidney': <class 'str'>, 'liver': <class 'str'>, 'lung': <class 'str'>, 'lymph_node': <class 'str'>, 'mammary_gland': <class 'str'>, 'ovary': <class 'str'>, 'pancreas': <class 'str'>, 'pituitary_gland': <class 'str'>, 'spleen': <class 'str'>, 'stomach': <class 'str'>, 'testes': <class 'str'>, 'thymus': <class 'str'>, 'thyroid_gland': <class 'str'>, 'urinary_bladder': <class 'str'>, 'uterus': <class 'str'>}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'_generate_next_value_': <function Enum._generate_next_value_>, '__module__': '', '__annotations__': {'adrenal_gland': <class 'str'>, 'bone_marrow': <class 'str'>, 'brain': <class 'str'>, 'eye': <class 'str'>, 'heart': <class 'str'>, 'kidney': <class 'str'>, 'liver': <class 'str'>, 'lung': <class 'str'>, 'lymph_node': <class 'str'>, 'mammary_gland': <class 'str'>, 'ovary': <class 'str'>, 'pancreas': <class 'str'>, 'pituitary_gland': <class 'str'>, 'spleen': <class 'str'>, 'stomach': <class 'str'>, 'testes': <class 'str'>, 'thymus': <class 'str'>, 'thyroid_gland': <class 'str'>, 'urinary_bladder': <class 'str'>, 'uterus': <class 'str'>}, '__doc__': 'An enumeration.', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Organs' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Organs' objects>, '_member_names_': ['adrenal_gland', 'bone_marrow', 'brain', 'eye', 'heart', 'kidney', 'liver', 'lung', 'lymph_node', 'mammary_gland', 'ovary', 'pancreas', 'pituitary_gland', 'spleen', 'stomach', 'testes', 'thymus', 'thyroid_gland', 'urinary_bladder', 'uterus'], '_member_map_': {'adrenal_gland': <Organs.adrenal_gland: 'Adrenal Gland'>, 'bone_marrow': <Organs.bone_marrow: 'Bone Marrow'>, 'brain': <Organs.brain: 'Brain'>, 'eye': <Organs.eye: 'Eye'>, 'heart': <Organs.heart: 'Heart'>, 'kidney': <Organs.kidney: 'Kidney'>, 'liver': <Organs.liver: 'Liver'>, 'lung': <Organs.lung: 'Lung'>, 'lymph_node': <Organs.lymph_node: 'Lymph Node'>, 'mammary_gland': <Organs.mammary_gland: 'Mammary Gland'>, 'ovary': <Organs.ovary: 'Ovary'>, 'pancreas': <Organs.pancreas: 'Pancreas'>, 'pituitary_gland': <Organs.pituitary_gland: 'Pituitary Gland'>, 'spleen': <Organs.spleen: 'Spleen'>, 'stomach': <Organs.stomach: 'Stomach'>, 'testes': <Organs.testes: 'Testes'>, 'thymus': <Organs.thymus: 'Thymus'>, 'thyroid_gland': <Organs.thyroid_gland: 'Thyroid Gland'>, 'urinary_bladder': <Organs.urinary_bladder: 'Urinary Bladder'>, 'uterus': <Organs.uterus: 'Uterus'>}, '_member_type_': <class 'str'>, '_value2member_map_': {'Adrenal Gland': <Organs.adrenal_gland: 'Adrenal Gland'>, 'Bone Marrow': <Organs.bone_marrow: 'Bone Marrow'>, 'Brain': <Organs.brain: 'Brain'>, 'Eye': <Organs.eye: 'Eye'>, 'Heart': <Organs.heart: 'Heart'>, 'Kidney': <Organs.kidney: 'Kidney'>, 'Liver': <Organs.liver: 'Liver'>, 'Lung': <Organs.lung: 'Lung'>, 'Lymph Node': <Organs.lymph_node: 'Lymph Node'>, 'Mammary Gland': <Organs.mammary_gland: 'Mammary Gland'>, 'Ovary': <Organs.ovary: 'Ovary'>, 'Pancreas': <Organs.pancreas: 'Pancreas'>, 'Pituitary Gland': <Organs.pituitary_gland: 'Pituitary Gland'>, 'Spleen': <Organs.spleen: 'Spleen'>, 'Stomach': <Organs.stomach: 'Stomach'>, 'Testes': <Organs.testes: 'Testes'>, 'Thymus': <Organs.thymus: 'Thymus'>, 'Thyroid Gland': <Organs.thyroid_gland: 'Thyroid Gland'>, 'Urinary Bladder': <Organs.urinary_bladder: 'Urinary Bladder'>, 'Uterus': <Organs.uterus: 'Uterus'>}, 'adrenal_gland': <Organs.adrenal_gland: 'Adrenal Gland'>, 'bone_marrow': <Organs.bone_marrow: 'Bone Marrow'>, 'brain': <Organs.brain: 'Brain'>, 'eye': <Organs.eye: 'Eye'>, 'heart': <Organs.heart: 'Heart'>, 'kidney': <Organs.kidney: 'Kidney'>, 'liver': <Organs.liver: 'Liver'>, 'lung': <Organs.lung: 'Lung'>, 'lymph_node': <Organs.lymph_node: 'Lymph Node'>, 'mammary_gland': <Organs.mammary_gland: 'Mammary Gland'>, 'ovary': <Organs.ovary: 'Ovary'>, 'pancreas': <Organs.pancreas: 'Pancreas'>, 'pituitary_gland': <Organs.pituitary_gland: 'Pituitary Gland'>, 'spleen': <Organs.spleen: 'Spleen'>, 'stomach': <Organs.stomach: 'Stomach'>, 'testes': <Organs.testes: 'Testes'>, 'thymus': <Organs.thymus: 'Thymus'>, 'thyroid_gland': <Organs.thyroid_gland: 'Thyroid Gland'>, 'urinary_bladder': <Organs.urinary_bladder: 'Urinary Bladder'>, 'uterus': <Organs.uterus: 'Uterus'>, '__repr__': <function Enum.__repr__>, '__str__': <function Enum.__str__>, '__format__': <function Enum.__format__>, '__new__': <function Enum.__new__>})

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_member_names_ = ['adrenal_gland', 'bone_marrow', 'brain', 'eye', 'heart', 'kidney', 'liver', 'lung', 'lymph_node', 'mammary_gland', 'ovary', 'pancreas', 'pituitary_gland', 'spleen', 'stomach', 'testes', 'thymus', 'thyroid_gland', 'urinary_bladder', 'uterus']
_member_map_ = {'adrenal_gland': Organs.adrenal_gland, 'bone_marrow': Organs.bone_marrow, 'brain': Organs.brain, 'eye': Organs.eye, 'heart': Organs.heart, 'kidney': Organs.kidney, 'liver': Organs.liver, 'lung': Organs.lung, 'lymph_node': Organs.lymph_node, 'mammary_gland': Organs.mammary_gland, 'ovary': Organs.ovary, 'pancreas': Organs.pancreas, 'pituitary_gland': Organs.pituitary_gland, 'spleen': Organs.spleen, 'stomach': Organs.stomach, 'testes': Organs.testes, 'thymus': Organs.thymus, 'thyroid_gland': Organs.thyroid_gland, 'urinary_bladder': Organs.urinary_bladder, 'uterus': Organs.uterus}

alias of str

_value2member_map_ = {'Adrenal Gland': Organs.adrenal_gland, 'Bone Marrow': Organs.bone_marrow, 'Brain': Organs.brain, 'Eye': Organs.eye, 'Heart': Organs.heart, 'Kidney': Organs.kidney, 'Liver': Organs.liver, 'Lung': Organs.lung, 'Lymph Node': Organs.lymph_node, 'Mammary Gland': Organs.mammary_gland, 'Ovary': Organs.ovary, 'Pancreas': Organs.pancreas, 'Pituitary Gland': Organs.pituitary_gland, 'Spleen': Organs.spleen, 'Stomach': Organs.stomach, 'Testes': Organs.testes, 'Thymus': Organs.thymus, 'Thyroid Gland': Organs.thyroid_gland, 'Urinary Bladder': Organs.urinary_bladder, 'Uterus': Organs.uterus}
__doc__ = 'An enumeration.'
class ToxType(value)[source]

Bases: str, Enum

An enumeration.

chronic: str = 'chronic'
subchronic: str = 'subchronic'
multigenerational: str = 'multigenerational'
all: str = 'all'
_generate_next_value_(start, count, last_values)

Generate the next value when not given.

name: the name of the member start: the initial start value or None count: the number of existing members last_value: the last value assigned or None

__module__ = ''
__annotations__ = {'all': <class 'str'>, 'chronic': <class 'str'>, 'multigenerational': <class 'str'>, 'subchronic': <class 'str'>}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'_generate_next_value_': <function Enum._generate_next_value_>, '__module__': '', '__annotations__': {'chronic': <class 'str'>, 'subchronic': <class 'str'>, 'multigenerational': <class 'str'>, 'all': <class 'str'>}, '__doc__': 'An enumeration.', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ToxType' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ToxType' objects>, '_member_names_': ['chronic', 'subchronic', 'multigenerational', 'all'], '_member_map_': {'chronic': <ToxType.chronic: 'chronic'>, 'subchronic': <ToxType.subchronic: 'subchronic'>, 'multigenerational': <ToxType.multigenerational: 'multigenerational'>, 'all': <ToxType.all: 'all'>}, '_member_type_': <class 'str'>, '_value2member_map_': {'chronic': <ToxType.chronic: 'chronic'>, 'subchronic': <ToxType.subchronic: 'subchronic'>, 'multigenerational': <ToxType.multigenerational: 'multigenerational'>, 'all': <ToxType.all: 'all'>}, 'chronic': <ToxType.chronic: 'chronic'>, 'subchronic': <ToxType.subchronic: 'subchronic'>, 'multigenerational': <ToxType.multigenerational: 'multigenerational'>, 'all': <ToxType.all: 'all'>, '__repr__': <function Enum.__repr__>, '__str__': <function Enum.__str__>, '__format__': <function Enum.__format__>, '__new__': <function Enum.__new__>})

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_member_names_ = ['chronic', 'subchronic', 'multigenerational', 'all']
_member_map_ = {'all': ToxType.all, 'chronic': ToxType.chronic, 'multigenerational': ToxType.multigenerational, 'subchronic': ToxType.subchronic}

alias of str

_value2member_map_ = {'all': ToxType.all, 'chronic': ToxType.chronic, 'multigenerational': ToxType.multigenerational, 'subchronic': ToxType.subchronic}
__doc__ = 'An enumeration.'
algorithm_application: str
site: Organs
toxicity_type: ToxType
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]

The names of fields explicitly set during instantiation.

__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary containing extra values, if [extra][pydantic.config.ConfigDict.extra] is set to ‘allow’.

__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None

Values of private attributes set on the model instance.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_computed_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]]', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'algorithm_application': <class 'str'>, 'algorithm_name': 'str', 'algorithm_type': 'str', 'algorithm_version': 'str', 'domain': 'DomainSubmodule', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]', 'site': <enum 'Organs'>, 'toxicity_type': <enum 'ToxType'>}
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}

The names of the class variables defined on the model.

__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}

Metadata about the private attributes of the model.

__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True

Whether model building is completed, or if there are still undefined fields.

__pydantic_computed_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding [ComputedFieldInfo][pydantic.fields.ComputedFieldInfo] objects.

__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'OrganToxParameters'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'algorithm_application': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'OrganTox', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_name': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'MCA', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_type': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': 'prediction', 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'algorithm_version': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'Version of the algorithm', 'examples': ['v0']}}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'domain': {'metadata': {}, 'schema': {'default': DomainSubmodule.molecules, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'DomainSubmodule'>, 'members': [<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, < 'properties'>, <DomainSubmodule.crystals: 'crystals'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'site': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'name of the target site of interest.', 'examples': ['Kidney']}}, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'Organs'>, 'members': [<Organs.adrenal_gland: 'Adrenal Gland'>, <Organs.bone_marrow: 'Bone Marrow'>, <Organs.brain: 'Brain'>, <Organs.eye: 'Eye'>, <Organs.heart: 'Heart'>, <Organs.kidney: 'Kidney'>, <Organs.liver: 'Liver'>, <Organs.lung: 'Lung'>, <Organs.lymph_node: 'Lymph Node'>, <Organs.mammary_gland: 'Mammary Gland'>, <Organs.ovary: 'Ovary'>, <Organs.pancreas: 'Pancreas'>, <Organs.pituitary_gland: 'Pituitary Gland'>, <Organs.spleen: 'Spleen'>, <Organs.stomach: 'Stomach'>, <Organs.testes: 'Testes'>, <Organs.thymus: 'Thymus'>, <Organs.thyroid_gland: 'Thyroid Gland'>, <Organs.urinary_bladder: 'Urinary Bladder'>, <Organs.uterus: 'Uterus'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'model-field'}, 'toxicity_type': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_updates': {'description': 'type of toxicity for which predictions are made.', 'examples': ['chronic']}}, 'schema': {'default': ToxType.all, 'schema': {'cls': <enum 'ToxType'>, 'members': [<ToxType.chronic: 'chronic'>, <ToxType.subchronic: 'subchronic'>, <ToxType.multigenerational: 'multigenerational'>, <ToxType.all: 'all'>], 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_functions': [<function GenerateSchema._enum_schema.<locals>.get_json_schema>]}, 'ref': '', 'sub_type': 'str', 'type': 'enum'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'OrganToxParameters', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}

The core schema of the model.

__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False

Whether the model has a custom __init__ method.

__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})

Metadata containing the decorators defined on the model. This replaces Model.__validators__ and Model.__root_validators__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_fields__: ClassVar[Dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'algorithm_application': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='OrganTox'), 'algorithm_name': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='MCA'), 'algorithm_type': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default='prediction'), 'algorithm_version': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=True, description='Version of the algorithm', examples=['v0']), 'domain': FieldInfo(annotation=DomainSubmodule, required=False, default=<DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>), 'site': FieldInfo(annotation=OrganToxParameters.Organs, required=True, description='name of the target site of interest.', examples=[<Organs.kidney: 'Kidney'>]), 'toxicity_type': FieldInfo(annotation=OrganToxParameters.ToxType, required=False, default=<ToxType.all: 'all'>, description='type of toxicity for which predictions are made.', examples=[<ToxType.chronic: 'chronic'>])}

A dictionary of field names and their corresponding [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo] objects. This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}

Metadata for generic models; contains data used for a similar purpose to __args__, __origin__, __parameters__ in typing-module generics. May eventually be replaced by these.

__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[Dict[str, Any] | None] = None

Parent namespace of the model, used for automatic rebuilding of models.

__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | Literal['model_post_init']] = None

The name of the post-init method for the model, if defined.

__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79f4810,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "toxicity_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24ec7f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8970,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7a46bc0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_name": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_type": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_application": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc24e3930,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "site": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b118c30,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Enum(                                 EnumSerializer {                                     class: Py(                                         0x000055e1b7a44280,                                     ),                                     serializer: Some(                                         Str(                                             StrSerializer,                                         ),                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "algorithm_version": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             Str(                                 StrSerializer,                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                     "domain": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: Default(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Enum(                                         EnumSerializer {                                             class: Py(                                                 0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                             ),                                             serializer: Some(                                                 Str(                                                     StrSerializer,                                                 ),                                             ),                                         },                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 7,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "OrganToxParameters",     }, ), definitions=[])

The pydantic-core SchemaSerializer used to dump instances of the model.

__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator | PluggableSchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="OrganToxParameters", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb70b0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb68f0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99651bb0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9de91c2db0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "domain",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "domain",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb6930,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "domain",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb7b30,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9d0cd1f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7453cf0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "molecules": 0,                                                     "crystals": 2,                                                     "properties": 1,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbecca900,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb20,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25feb90,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc25fec00,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'molecules', 'properties' or 'crystals'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "DomainSubmodule",                                         name: "str-enum[DomainSubmodule]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[DomainSubmodule]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_name",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_name",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb5270,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_name",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb4db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e99653ab0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc268e9f0,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_version",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_version",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec69e30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_version",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec69e80,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9963bc80,                         ),                         validator: Str(                             StrValidator {                                 strict: false,                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "algorithm_application",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "algorithm_application",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbec6a150,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "algorithm_application",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbec691b0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc60dec40,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dc24e3930,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: Str(                                     StrValidator {                                         strict: false,                                         coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "site",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "site",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb4ef0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "site",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb7bf0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9e9b118c30,                         ),                         validator: StrEnum(                             EnumValidator {                                 phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                 class: Py(                                     0x000055e1b7a44280,                                 ),                                 lookup: LiteralLookup {                                     expected_bool: None,                                     expected_int: None,                                     expected_str: Some(                                         {                                             "Lung": 7,                                             "Thymus": 16,                                             "Testes": 15,                                             "Pancreas": 11,                                             "Pituitary Gland": 12,                                             "Adrenal Gland": 0,                                             "Spleen": 13,                                             "Uterus": 19,                                             "Liver": 6,                                             "Thyroid Gland": 17,                                             "Lymph Node": 8,                                             "Urinary Bladder": 18,                                             "Brain": 2,                                             "Mammary Gland": 9,                                             "Stomach": 14,                                             "Eye": 3,                                             "Ovary": 10,                                             "Bone Marrow": 1,                                             "Heart": 4,                                             "Kidney": 5,                                         },                                     ),                                     expected_py_dict: None,                                     expected_py_values: None,                                     expected_py_primitives: Some(                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc16f3e40,                                         ),                                     ),                                     values: [                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc1887920,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc1887990,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc1887bc0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dc1887e60,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8040,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8120,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8200,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8270,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead82e0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8350,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead83c0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8430,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead84a0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8510,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8580,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead85f0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8660,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead86d0,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead8740,                                         ),                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbead87b0,                                         ),                                     ],                                 },                                 missing: None,                                 expected_repr: "'Adrenal Gland', 'Bone Marrow', 'Brain', 'Eye', 'Heart', 'Kidney', 'Liver', 'Lung', 'Lymph Node', 'Mammary Gland', 'Ovary', 'Pancreas', 'Pituitary Gland', 'Spleen', 'Stomach', 'Testes', 'Thymus', 'Thyroid Gland', 'Urinary Bladder' or 'Uterus'",                                 strict: false,                                 class_repr: "OrganToxParameters.Organs",                                 name: "str-enum[OrganToxParameters.Organs]",                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                     Field {                         name: "toxicity_type",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "toxicity_type",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007f9dbecb7c30,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "toxicity_type",                                         Py(                                             0x00007f9dbecb7df0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007f9dc24ec7f0,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: Default(                                     Py(                                         0x00007f9dbead8970,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: StrEnum(                                     EnumValidator {                                         phantom: PhantomData<_pydantic_core::validators::enum_::StrEnumValidator>,                                         class: Py(                                             0x000055e1b7a46bc0,                                         ),                                         lookup: LiteralLookup {                                             expected_bool: None,                                             expected_int: None,                                             expected_str: Some(                                                 {                                                     "chronic": 0,                                                     "subchronic": 1,                                                     "all": 3,                                                     "multigenerational": 2,                                                 },                                             ),                                             expected_py_dict: None,                                             expected_py_values: None,                                             expected_py_primitives: Some(                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dc16f1000,                                                 ),                                             ),                                             values: [                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbead8820,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbead8890,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbead8900,                                                 ),                                                 Py(                                                     0x00007f9dbead8970,                                                 ),                                             ],                                         },                                         missing: None,                                         expected_repr: "'chronic', 'subchronic', 'multigenerational' or 'all'",                                         strict: false,                                         class_repr: "OrganToxParameters.ToxType",                                         name: "str-enum[OrganToxParameters.ToxType]",                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[str-enum[OrganToxParameters.ToxType]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007f9e9b5139a0,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "OrganToxParameters",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e1b79f4810,         ),         generic_origin: None,         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007f9e9b5139a0,         ),         name: "OrganToxParameters",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)

The pydantic-core SchemaValidator used to validate instances of the model.

__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, algorithm_type: str = 'prediction', domain: = <DomainSubmodule.molecules: 'molecules'>, algorithm_name: str = 'MCA', algorithm_version: str, algorithm_application: str = 'OrganTox', site:, toxicity_type: = <ToxType.all: 'all'>) -> None>

The synthesized __init__ [Signature][inspect.Signature] of the model.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

class MolformerClassification(parameters)[source]

Bases: _Molformer

Class for all Molformer classification algorithms.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Class for all Molformer classification algorithms.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class MolformerMultitaskClassification(parameters)[source]

Bases: _Molformer

Class for all Molformer multitask classification algorithms.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Class for all Molformer multitask classification algorithms.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class MolformerRegression(parameters)[source]

Bases: _Molformer

Class for all Molformer regression algorithms.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Class for all Molformer regression algorithms.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class Plogp(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the penalized logP of a molecule. This is the logP minus the number of rings with > 6 atoms minus the SAS.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the penalized logP of a molecule. This is the logP minus the number of\n    rings with > 6 atoms minus the SAS.\n    '
__module__ = ''
class Lipinski(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate whether a molecule adheres to the Lipinski-rule-of-5. A crude approximation of druglikeness.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate whether a molecule adheres to the Lipinski-rule-of-5.\n    A crude approximation of druglikeness.\n    '
__module__ = ''
class Esol(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Estimate the water solubility of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Estimate the water solubility of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Scscore(parameters=ScscoreConfiguration(score_scale=5, fp_len=1024, fp_rad=2))[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the synthetic complexity score (SCScore) of a molecule.

__init__(parameters=ScscoreConfiguration(score_scale=5, fp_len=1024, fp_rad=2))[source]

Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: ScscoreConfiguration :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the synthetic complexity score (SCScore) of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Sas(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the synthetic accessibility score (SAS) for a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the synthetic accessibility score (SAS) for a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Bertz(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate Bertz index of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate Bertz index of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Tpsa(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the total polar surface area of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the total polar surface area of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Logp(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculates the partition coefficient of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculates the partition coefficient of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Qed(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QED) of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QED) of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberHAcceptors(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of H acceptors of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of H acceptors of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberAtoms(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of atoms of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of atoms of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberHDonors(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of H donors of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of H donors of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberAromaticRings(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of aromatic rings of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of aromatic rings of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberRings(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of rings of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of rings of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberRotatableBonds(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate number of rotatable bonds of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate number of rotatable bonds of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberLargeRings(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the amount of large rings (> 6 atoms) of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the amount of large rings (> 6 atoms) of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class MolecularWeight(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate molecular weight of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate molecular weight of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class IsScaffold(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Whether a molecule is identical to its Murcko Scaffold.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Whether a molecule is identical to its Murcko Scaffold.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberHeterocycles(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

The amount of heterocycles of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'The amount of heterocycles of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class NumberStereocenters(parameters=PropertyPredictorParameters())[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

The amount of stereo centers of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: PropertyPredictorParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'The amount of stereo centers of a molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class SimilaritySeed(parameters)[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the similarity of a molecule to a seed molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: SimilaritySeedParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the similarity of a molecule to a seed molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class ActivityAgainstTarget(parameters)[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

Calculate the activity of a molecule against a target molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: ActivityAgainstTargetParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = 'Calculate the activity of a molecule against a target molecule.'
__module__ = ''
class Askcos(parameters)[source]

Bases: ConfigurableCallablePropertyPredictor

A property predictor that uses the ASKCOs API to calculate the synthesizability of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: AskcosParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = '\n    A property predictor that uses the ASKCOs API to calculate the synthesizability\n    of a molecule.\n    '
__module__ = ''
class MoleculeOne(parameters)[source]

Bases: CallablePropertyPredictor

A property predictor that uses the MoleculeOne API to calculate the synthesizability of a molecule.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: MoleculeOneParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = '\n    A property predictor that uses the MoleculeOne API to calculate the synthesizability\n    of a molecule.\n    '
__module__ = ''
class DockingTdc(parameters)[source]

Bases: ConfigurableCallablePropertyPredictor

A property predictor that computes the docking score against a target provided via the TDC package (see:


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: DockingTdcParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = '\n    A property predictor that computes the docking score against a target\n    provided via the TDC package (see:\n    '
__module__ = ''
class Docking(parameters)[source]

Bases: ConfigurableCallablePropertyPredictor

A property predictor that computes the docking score against a user-defined target. Relies on TDC backend, see for setup.


Construct a PropertyPredictor using the related parameters. :type parameters: DockingParameters :param parameters: parameters to configure the predictor.

__annotations__ = {}
__doc__ = '\n    A property predictor that computes the docking score against a user-defined target.\n    Relies on TDC backend, see for setup.\n    '
__module__ = ''
class Tox21(parameters)[source]

Bases: _MCA

Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


classmethod get_description()[source]
Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class ClinTox(parameters)[source]

Bases: _MCA

Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


classmethod get_description()[source]
Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Model to predict environmental toxicity for the 12 endpoints in Tox21.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class Sider(parameters)[source]

Bases: _MCA


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


classmethod get_description()[source]
Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = None
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
class OrganTox(parameters)[source]

Bases: _MCA

Model to predict toxicity for different organs.


Targeted or untargeted generation.


configuration – application specific helper that allows to setup the generator.


Instantiate the actual model.


resources_path (str) – local path to model files.


the model.

Return type


classmethod get_description()[source]
Return type


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'max_runtime': 'int'}
__doc__ = 'Model to predict toxicity for different organs.'
__module__ = ''
__parameters__ = ()
_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>