# GT4SD server upload Here we report an example of how you can setup a custom minio server on localhost where you can upload your algorithms. Keep in mind that the same procedure can be used with a pre-existing COS simply setting the environment variables to the appropriate values. ------ ## Requirements * docker * minio * gt4sd [requirements](https://github.com/GT4SD/gt4sd-core/blob/main/requirements.txt) ----- ## Run a local minio server ### 1) Set environment variables ```sh export GT4SD_S3_SECRET_KEY_HUB='' export GT4SD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_HUB='' export GT4SD_S3_HOST_HUB='' export GT4SD_S3_SECURE_HUB=False export GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_HUB='gt4sd-cos-algorithms-artifacts' export GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_MODELS_HUB='gt4sd-cos-algorithms-models' export GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_DATA_HUB='gt4sd-cos-algorithms-data' ``` set `GT4SD_S3_SECURE` `True` or `False` if https/http server. ### 2) Create a docker container with a minio server ```sh cd ~/ mkdir localhost-server cd localhost-server mkdir env/ echo >> docker-compose.yml ``` copy this configuration script in `docker-compose.yml`: ```sh version: '10' services: cos: image: minio/minio:RELEASE.2022-06-07T00-33-41Z ports: - 9000:9000 env_file: - env/.env.dev environment: MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: "${GT4SD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_HUB}" MINIO_SECRET_KEY: "${GT4SD_S3_SECRET_KEY_HUB}" command: server /export createbuckets: image: minio/mc depends_on: - cos env_file: - env/.env.dev # ensure there is a file in the artifacts bucket entrypoint: > /bin/sh -c " /usr/bin/mc config host add myminio http://cos:9000 ${GT4SD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_HUB} ${GT4SD_S3_SECRET_KEY_HUB}; /usr/bin/mc mb myminio/${GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_HUB}; /usr/bin/mc mb myminio/${GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_DATA_HUB}; /usr/bin/mc mb myminio/${GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_MODELS_HUB}; echo 'this is an artifact' >> a_file.txt; /usr/bin/mc cp a_file.txt myminio/${GT4SD_S3_BUCKET_HUB}/a_file.txt; exit 0; " ``` You can store default environment variables in `.env.dev`. ### 3) MinIO server configuration Add the new server to the minio configuration file (`~/.mc/config.json`): ```sh { "version": "10", "aliases": { "myminio": { "url": "${GT4SD_S3_HOST_HUB}", "accessKey": "${GT4SD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_HUB}", "secretKey": "${GT4SD_S3_SECRET_KEY_HUB}", "api": "s3v4", "path": "auto" }, ... } } ``` and add `myminio` to the list of servers: ```sh mc alias set myminio $GT4SD_S3_HOST_HUB $GT4SD_S3_ACCESS_KEY_HUB $GT4SD_S3_SECRET_KEY_HUB ``` ### 4) run docker After running `docker compose up` inside localhost-server the script creates a local minio server and the bucket structure on `myminio`. If everything is working you should be able to see `a_file.txt` running: ``` mc ls myminio/gt4sd-cos-algorithms-artifacts/ ``` ------- ## Upload models After setting th environment variables appropriately and following steps 1-4), you can now upload your model on the server: ```sh gt4sd-upload --training_pipeline_name paccmann-vae-trainer --model_path /tmp/gt4sd-paccmann-gp --training_name fast-example --target_version fast-example-v0 --algorithm_application PaccMannGPGenerator ``` You should be able to see the model and uploaded files running: ```sh mc ls myminio/gt4sd-algorithms-artifacts/controlled_sampling/PaccMannGP/PaccMannGPGenerator/fast-example-v0/ ```