:autogenerated: gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol package ======================================================== .. automodule:: gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol Submodules: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.core Subpackages: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation Summary ------- ``__all__`` Classes: .. list-table:: * - :class:`AaeGenerator ` - Configuration to generate molecules using an adversarial autoencoder. * - :class:`GraphGAGenerator ` - Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using Graph-Based Genetic algorithm * - :class:`GraphMCTSGenerator ` - Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using Graph-based Genetic Algorithm and Generative Model/Monte Carlo Tree Search for the Exploration of Chemical Space * - :class:`GuacaMolGenerator ` - GuacaMol generation algorithm. * - :class:`MosesGenerator ` - Moses generation algorithm. * - :class:`OrganGenerator ` - Configuration to generate molecules using Objective-Reinforced Generative Adversarial Network * - :class:`SMILESGAGenerator ` - Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using SMILES Genetic algorithm * - :class:`SMILESLSTMHCGenerator ` - Configuration to generate optimized molecules using recurrent neural networks with hill climbing algorithm. * - :class:`SMILESLSTMPPOGenerator ` - Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using recurrent neural networks with hill climbing algorithm * - :class:`VaeGenerator ` - Configuration to generate molecules using a variational autoencoder.