Source code for gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.core

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2022 GT4SD team
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import logging
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar

from import SMILES, MoleculeFormat, validate_molecules
from ....exceptions import InvalidItem
from ....training_pipelines.core import TrainingPipelineArguments
from ....training_pipelines.guacamol_baselines.core import GuacaMolSavingArguments
from ....training_pipelines.moses.core import MosesSavingArguments
from ...core import AlgorithmConfiguration, GeneratorAlgorithm
from ...registry import ApplicationsRegistry
from .implementation import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Any)
S = TypeVar("S", bound=Any)
Targeted = Callable[[T], Iterable[Any]]

[docs]class GuacaMolGenerator(GeneratorAlgorithm[S, T]): """GuacaMol generation algorithm."""
[docs] def __init__( self, configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration[S, T], target: Optional[T], ): """ Instantiate GuacaMolGenerator ready to generate samples. Args: configuration: domain and application specification defining parameters, types and validations. target: a target for which to generate items. Example: An example for generating molecules given a scoring function and a score:: config = SMILESGAGenerator() target = {"scoring_function_name": {"target": 0.0}} algorithm = GuacaMolGenerator(configuration=config, target=target) items = list(algorithm.sample(1)) print(items) """ configuration = self.validate_configuration(configuration) # TODO there might also be a validation/check on the target input super().__init__( configuration=configuration, # type:ignore target=target, # type:ignore )
[docs] def get_generator( self, configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration[S, T], target: Optional[T], ) -> Targeted[T]: """Get the function to perform the prediction via GuacaMol's generator. Args: configuration: helps to set up specific application of GuacaMol. Returns: callable with target generating samples. """"ensure artifacts for the application are present.") self.local_artifacts = configuration.ensure_artifacts() implementation: Generator = configuration.get_conditional_generator( # type: ignore self.local_artifacts ) return implementation.generate_batch # type: ignore
[docs]class GuacaMolAbstractGenerator(AlgorithmConfiguration[str, str]):
[docs] def validate_item(self, item: str) -> SMILES: """Check that item is a valid SMILES. Args: item: a generated item that is possibly not valid. Raises: InvalidItem: in case the item can not be validated. Returns: the validated SMILES. """ ( molecules, _, ) = validate_molecules([item], MoleculeFormat.smiles) if molecules[0] is None: raise InvalidItem( title="InvalidSMILES", detail=f'rdkit.Chem.MolFromSmiles returned None for "{item}"', ) return SMILES(item)
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(GuacaMolGenerator) class SMILESGAGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using SMILES Genetic algorithm""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = GuacaMolGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" batch_size: int = field( default=32, metadata=dict(description="Batch size used for the generative model sampling."), ) population_size: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict( description="it is used with n_mutations for the initial generation of smiles within the population" ), ) n_mutations: int = field( default=200, metadata=dict( description="it is used with population size for the initial generation of smiles within the population" ), ) n_jobs: int = field( default=-1, metadata=dict(description="number of concurrently running jobs"), ) gene_size: int = field( default=2, metadata=dict( description="size of the gene which is used in creation of genes" ), ) random_start: bool = field( default=False, metadata=dict( description="set to True to randomly choose list of SMILES for generating optimizied molecules" ), ) generations: int = field( default=2, metadata=dict(description="number of evolutionary generations"), ) patience: int = field( default=4, metadata=dict( description="it is used for early stopping if population scores remains the same after generating molecules" ), )
[docs] def get_target_description(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get description of the target for generation. Returns: target description. """ return { "title": "Scoring functions with parameters", "description": "Scoring functions will be used to generate a score for SMILES.", "type": "object", }
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> SMILESGAIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.smiles_ga.SMILESGAIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return SMILESGAIterator( resource_path=resources_path, population_size=self.population_size, n_mutations=self.n_mutations, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_start=self.random_start, gene_size=self.gene_size, generations=self.generations, patience=self.patience, batch_size=self.batch_size, )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(GuacaMolGenerator) class GraphGAGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using Graph-Based Genetic algorithm""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = GuacaMolGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" batch_size: int = field( default=1, metadata=dict(description="Batch size used for the generative model sampling."), ) population_size: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict( description="it is used with n_mutations for the initial generation of smiles within the population" ), ) mutation_rate: float = field( default=0.01, metadata=dict( description="frequency of the new mutations in a single gene or organism over time" ), ) offspring_size: int = field( default=200, metadata=dict(description="number of molecules to select for new population"), ) n_jobs: int = field( default=-1, metadata=dict(description="number of concurrently running jobs"), ) random_start: bool = field( default=False, metadata=dict( description="set to True to randomly choose list of SMILES for generating optimizied molecules" ), ) generations: int = field( default=2, metadata=dict(description="number of evolutionary generations"), ) patience: int = field( default=4, metadata=dict( description="it is used for early stopping if population scores remains the same after generating molecules" ), )
[docs] def get_target_description(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get description of the target for generation. Returns: target description. """ return { "title": "Scoring functions with parameters", "description": "Scoring functions will be used to generate a score for SMILES.", "type": "object", }
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> GraphGAIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.graph_ga.GraphGAIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return GraphGAIterator( resource_path=resources_path, batch_size=self.batch_size, offspring_size=self.offspring_size, population_size=self.population_size, mutation_rate=self.mutation_rate, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_start=self.random_start, generations=self.generations, patience=self.patience, )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(GuacaMolGenerator) class GraphMCTSGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using Graph-based Genetic Algorithm and Generative Model/Monte Carlo Tree Search for the Exploration of Chemical Space""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = GuacaMolGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" batch_size: int = field( default=1, metadata=dict(description="Batch size used for the generative model sampling."), ) init_smiles: str = field( default="", metadata=dict(description="initial SMILES used for generation of states."), ) population_size: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict( description="it is used with n_mutations for the initial generation of smiles within the population" ), ) n_jobs: int = field( default=-1, metadata=dict(description="number of concurrently running jobs"), ) generations: int = field( default=1000, metadata=dict(description="number of evolutionary generations"), ) patience: int = field( default=4, metadata=dict( description="it is used for early stopping if population scores remains the same after generating molecules" ), ) num_sims: float = field( default=40, metadata=dict(description="number of times to traverse the tree"), ) max_children: int = field( default=25, metadata=dict(description="maximum number of childerns a node could have"), ) max_atoms: int = field( default=60, metadata=dict( description="maximum number of atoms to explore to terminal the node state" ), )
[docs] def get_target_description(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get description of the target for generation. Returns: target description. """ return { "title": "Scoring functions with parameters", "description": "Scoring functions will be used to generate a score for SMILES.", "type": "object", }
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> GraphMCTSIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.graph_mcts.GraphMCTSIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return GraphMCTSIterator( init_smiles=self.init_smiles, batch_size=self.batch_size, population_size=self.population_size, max_children=self.max_children, num_sims=self.num_sims, generations=self.generations, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, max_atoms=self.max_atoms, patience=self.patience, )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(GuacaMolGenerator) class SMILESLSTMHCGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate optimized molecules using recurrent neural networks with hill climbing algorithm.""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = GuacaMolGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" batch_size: int = field( default=1, metadata=dict(description="Batch size used for the generative model sampling."), ) n_jobs: int = field( default=-1, metadata=dict(description="number of concurrently running jobs"), ) n_epochs: int = field( default=20, metadata=dict(description="number of epochs to sample"), ) mols_to_sample: int = field( default=1024, metadata=dict(description="molecules sampled at each step"), ) keep_top: int = field( default=512, metadata=dict(description="maximum length of a SMILES string"), ) optimize_n_epochs: int = field( default=2, metadata=dict(description="number of epochs for the optimization"), ) max_len: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict(description="maximum length of a SMILES string"), ) optimize_batch_size: int = field( default=256, metadata=dict(description="batch size for the optimization"), ) benchmark_num_samples: int = field( default=4096, metadata=dict( description="number of molecules to generate from final model for the benchmark" ), ) random_start: bool = field( default=False, metadata=dict( description="set to True to randomly choose list of SMILES for generating optimizied molecules" ), )
[docs] def get_target_description(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get description of the target for generation. Returns: target description. """ return { "title": "Scoring functions with parameters", "description": "Scoring functions will be used to generate a score for SMILES.", "type": "object", }
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> SMILESLSTMHCIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.smiles_lstm_hc.SMILESLSTMHCIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return SMILESLSTMHCIterator( resource_path=resources_path, batch_size=self.batch_size, n_epochs=self.n_epochs, mols_to_sample=self.mols_to_sample, keep_top=self.keep_top, optimize_n_epochs=self.optimize_n_epochs, max_len=self.max_len, optimize_batch_size=self.optimize_batch_size, benchmark_num_samples=self.benchmark_num_samples, random_start=self.random_start, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( cls, training_pipeline_arguments: TrainingPipelineArguments ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Ger filepath mappings for the given training pipeline arguments. Args: training_pipeline_arguments: training pipeline arguments. Returns: a mapping between artifacts' files and training pipeline's output files. """ if isinstance(training_pipeline_arguments, GuacaMolSavingArguments): return { "": training_pipeline_arguments.model_filepath, "model_final_0.473.json": training_pipeline_arguments.model_config_filepath, "guacamol_v1_all.smiles": "", } else: return super().get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( training_pipeline_arguments )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(GuacaMolGenerator) class SMILESLSTMPPOGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate optimizied molecules using recurrent neural networks with hill climbing algorithm""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = GuacaMolGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" batch_size: int = field( default=1, metadata=dict(description="Batch size used for the generative model sampling."), ) num_epochs: int = field( default=20, metadata=dict(description="number of epochs to sample"), ) episode_size: int = field( default=8192, metadata=dict( description="number of molecules sampled by the policy at the start of a series of ppo updates" ), ) optimize_batch_size: int = field( default=1024, metadata=dict(description="batch size for the optimization"), ) entropy_weight: int = field( default=1, metadata=dict(description="used for calculating entropy loss"), ) kl_div_weight: int = field( default=10, metadata=dict( description="used for calculating Kullback-Leibler divergence loss" ), ) clip_param: float = field( default=0.2, metadata=dict( description="used for determining how far the new policy is from the old one" ), )
[docs] def get_target_description(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Get description of the target for generation. Returns: target description. """ return { "title": "Scoring functions with parameters", "description": "Scoring functions will be used to generate a score for SMILES.", "type": "object", }
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> SMILESLSTMPPOIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.smiles_lstm_ppo.SMILESLSTMPPOIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return SMILESLSTMPPOIterator( resource_path=resources_path, batch_size=self.batch_size, num_epochs=self.num_epochs, episode_size=self.episode_size, optimize_batch_size=self.optimize_batch_size, entropy_weight=self.entropy_weight, kl_div_weight=self.kl_div_weight, clip_param=self.clip_param, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( cls, training_pipeline_arguments: TrainingPipelineArguments ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Ger filepath mappings for the given training pipeline arguments. Args: training_pipeline_arguments: training pipeline arguments. Returns: a mapping between artifacts' files and training pipeline's output files. """ if isinstance(training_pipeline_arguments, GuacaMolSavingArguments): return { "": training_pipeline_arguments.model_filepath, "model_final_0.473.json": training_pipeline_arguments.model_config_filepath, } else: return super().get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( training_pipeline_arguments )
[docs]class MosesGenerator(GeneratorAlgorithm[S, T]): """Moses generation algorithm."""
[docs] def __init__( self, configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration[S, T], target: Optional[T], ): """ Instantiate GuacaMolGenerator ready to generate samples. Args: configuration: domain and application specification defining parameters, types and validations. target: a target for which to generate items. Example: An example for generating molecules given a scoring function and a score: config = AaeGenerator() algorithm = MosesGenerator(configuration=config, target="") items = list(algorithm.sample(1)) print(items) """ configuration = self.validate_configuration(configuration) # TODO there might also be a validation/check on the target input super().__init__( configuration=configuration, # type:ignore target=target, # type:ignore )
[docs] def get_generator( self, configuration: AlgorithmConfiguration[S, T], target: Optional[T], ) -> Targeted[T]: """Get the function to perform the prediction via GuacaMol's generator. Args: configuration: helps to set up specific application of GuacaMol. Returns: callable with target generating samples. """"ensure artifacts for the application are present.") self.local_artifacts = configuration.ensure_artifacts() implementation: Generator = configuration.get_conditional_generator( # type: ignore self.local_artifacts ) return implementation.generate_batch # type: ignore
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(MosesGenerator) class AaeGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate molecules using an adversarial autoencoder.""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = MosesGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" n_samples: int = field( default=20, metadata=dict(description="Number of SMILES to generate"), ) n_batch: int = field( default=1024, metadata=dict(description="Batch size for the optimization"), ) max_len: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict(description="Maximum length of the generated SMILES"), )
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> AaeIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.AaeIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return AaeIterator( resource_path=resources_path, n_samples=self.n_samples, n_batch=self.n_batch, max_len=self.max_len, )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(MosesGenerator) class VaeGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate molecules using a variational autoencoder.""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = MosesGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" n_samples: int = field( default=20, metadata=dict(description="Number of SMILES to generate"), ) n_batch: int = field( default=1024, metadata=dict(description="Batch size for the optimization"), ) max_len: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict(description="Maximum length of the generated SMILES"), )
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> VaeIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.VaeIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return VaeIterator( resource_path=resources_path, n_samples=self.n_samples, n_batch=self.n_batch, max_len=self.max_len, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( cls, training_pipeline_arguments: TrainingPipelineArguments ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Ger filepath mappings for the given training pipeline arguments. Args: training_pipeline_arguments: training pipeline arguments. Returns: a mapping between artifacts' files and training pipeline's output files. """ if isinstance(training_pipeline_arguments, MosesSavingArguments): return { "": training_pipeline_arguments.model_path, "": training_pipeline_arguments.config_path, "": training_pipeline_arguments.vocab_path, } else: return super().get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( training_pipeline_arguments )
[docs]@ApplicationsRegistry.register_algorithm_application(MosesGenerator) class OrganGenerator(GuacaMolAbstractGenerator): """Configuration to generate molecules using Objective-Reinforced Generative Adversarial Network""" algorithm_name: ClassVar[str] = MosesGenerator.__name__ algorithm_type: ClassVar[str] = "conditional_generation" domain: ClassVar[str] = "materials" algorithm_version: str = "v0" n_samples: int = field( default=20, metadata=dict(description="Number of SMILES to generate"), ) n_batch: int = field( default=1024, metadata=dict(description="Batch size for the optimization"), ) max_len: int = field( default=100, metadata=dict(description="Maximum length of the generated SMILES"), )
[docs] def get_conditional_generator(self, resources_path: str) -> OrganIterator: """Instantiate the actual generator implementation. Args: resources_path: local path to model files. Returns: instance with :meth:`generate_batch<gt4sd.algorithms.conditional_generation.guacamol.implementation.OrganIterator.generate_batch>` method for targeted generation. """ return OrganIterator( resource_path=resources_path, n_samples=self.n_samples, n_batch=self.n_batch, max_len=self.max_len, )
[docs] @classmethod def get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( cls, training_pipeline_arguments: TrainingPipelineArguments ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Ger filepath mappings for the given training pipeline arguments. Args: training_pipeline_arguments: training pipeline arguments. Returns: a mapping between artifacts' files and training pipeline's output files. """ if isinstance(training_pipeline_arguments, MosesSavingArguments): return { "": training_pipeline_arguments.model_path, "": training_pipeline_arguments.config_path, "": training_pipeline_arguments.vocab_path, } else: return super().get_filepath_mappings_for_training_pipeline_arguments( training_pipeline_arguments )